Jumat, 17 Februari 2006


whoa, holy majoley, the wind was psychotic last night. i think i heard that it was like 60 mph. it was so loud it kept waking me up. when i finally woke up to get ready for work, i looked outside and our trashcan was flying down the street! i was in my pajamas, so i wasn't about to be the nutso neighbor chasing down an awol trashcan. i got ready and decided before i left that i'd go get the dumb thing. it was so stinkin windy! i was running down the road fighting the wind and i cannot even imagine how ridiculous i looked. it was like walking against a wall. try to picture it. you'll laugh...i did.

Rabu, 15 Februari 2006

lauren = 400lbs

my wonderful hubby got me an elliptical trainer for valentine's day. i've wanted one for a really long time, so i was thrilled! he put it together last night so i could use it this morning. so, i got up half an hour early and started my workout. i was panting like a dog i was so short of breath. you would have thought i weighed 400 pounds! once i was done, i ran upstairs to take a shower, cause....ew. anyway, when i got in the shower, i was so dizzy i almost passed out like 3 times! i'm really seriously out of shape!

Selasa, 14 Februari 2006

valentine's day

this day has always been kind of an enigma for me. i never really understood the concept. as a kid, you buy valentines, sign them, seal them, and put them in each others decorated boxes. back then the only significance i saw in it was who got the most cards. it was fun. but as i got older the idea of it changed. ok, so this is the day you do something special for the one you love. see...the only thing is, valentine's day will never convince me of something i'm already sure of. my husband does such an amazing job of letting me know how much he loves me. he does it everyday. don't get me wrong, who doesn't like feeling special on this lovers holiday? but the goal should be to make sure that person you've committed to feels special everyday. i guess my point is, i don't need some fancy holiday to prove how much i'm loved. today, i want to be at home, not in some fancy shmancy restaurant, with my husband. i want to cook dinner together. that's all i want. maybe i'm weird, but just being with him is enough for me. i hope i don't sound like a scrooge. i'm just thankful i've been blessed with an amazingly generous, caring, romantic, loving, handsome, sweet husband who shows me everyday how much he loves me. i love me some lorin foster.

Kamis, 09 Februari 2006


i find it strange how relationships can change over time. it's not always intentional. sometimes it just happens. distance, be it geographical or emotional, causes a gap between people that may have at one point been close. as much as i wish that wouldn't happen, it does. the love is always there, but maybe the relationship has been neglected. i guess that's the way our relationship with God is. you could have at one point been so close to God you could hear His heartbeat, but somehow, over time, the relationship was neglected...only the one being neglectful is always us. He still loves us with all of His heart and it's not that we've stopped loving Him, but we don't put the time in to get to know Him more. just something i was thinking about...

Jumat, 03 Februari 2006

great driver

i went to a baby shower on sunday. on my way there i got stuck behind someone going kind of slow and i was seriously tailing them. as we were driving, i realized they were also going to the baby shower. i felt awful! i apologized and we laughed it off. well, yesterday i was pulling into giant eagle and as i was turning into a parking space, i realized the person on the right hand side had their back door open. i slowed down after almost crushing them and thought i had better apologize to this poor lady trying to put her child into his car seat. as i was getting out i heard my friend joy (who was meeting me there) talking to the lady and i thought she must really be mad because she's complaining to my friend! as i came around the car i saw that it was the same person i was tailing on the way to the shower! i barely ever see this person and in less than one week, i almost wrecked into her twice!!!

oh...and hi, dad!!